Friday, August 31, 2012

Adventures at the State Fair

Yesterday our family had a great time at the Oregon State Fair. The kids have been to fairs in the past but, being once a year, they are basically a new experience every time. We spent most of our time in the barns since, as Hezekiah said on the way there, "Annaliese likes animals." Of course, the rest of us do as well. Here are a few of the photos along with some of Hezekiah's quotes (in parenthesis).

We were able to see goats...
("They're very nice.")
("I wish we had one like this to keep inside.")

...cows and pigs...
("I found a pink one!")

...ducks, chickens, and rabbits...

...and horses.
("If you tried to get on there with out a ladder you couldn't. He would just walk away." Side note: This was quite true. His back was about as tall as me, 5'9.")

For a treat, we got the kids' favorite, soft-serve ice cream. Hezekiah did a great job sharing an ice cream cone with his sister. (That is, of course, until he decided it was "too cold" for Annaliese to eat any more.)

He thought that the tractor display was great and even found this handy seat for sitting to read his new tractor catalogue.

Hezekiah learned all about forest fires and Smokey the Bear. I helped him make a necklace using stamps on a piece of wood. I was very happy that he wanted to stop for a few minutes to try a craft!

We also visited the Rock U: The Institute of Rock 'n Roll exhibit. For adults (without kids) there was a lot to read and learn. Our favorite parts were the instruments to play, including a giant keyboard, African percussion instruments, and electronic drums. His daddy would have been proud of his little drummer.

Our family had a wonderful time exploring the fair and left thoroughly exhausted. Thank you to my parents for coming along and lending so much help. I couldn't do this without you.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Hippos

Last week the kids and I went to the zoo with my sister Brittany. This is one of the photos that I took of myself and Annaliese.

I looked at it yesterday, thinking of making it my profile picture on Facebook. I thought, "I should put a caption: Annaliese and I and a big turd." Of course, the grey thing is not a turd; it's a hippo.

This evening the kids had a bath. After the water was emptied and Hezekiah was out, Annaliese decided to poop in the bathtub. Of course, Hezekiah had to see. He looked in and said, "It looks like a hippo."

Either my son thinks like me or I am begining to think like a three year old.