Sunday, October 30, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone! I hope that you have a chance to enjoy the fun of getting dressed up as someone other than yourself and maybe being just a little bit silly. We enjoyed a Halloween party at a friend's house, making entrances as Woody the cowboy, an adorable cat, and a librarian.

And, of course, we just had to get out to a pumpkin patch.  As you can tell, Annaliese is always quite fond of her brother. Hezekiah, on the other hand, was more interested in the farm animals.  Also, Hezekiah was a big help when Grandpa made his jack-o-lantern. Well, maybe not a big help. I mean, the inside was all "grossy". He sure was excited about the whole process though! Halloween is a good excuse for a little bit of extra fun and excitement in our lives.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

"You're talking downstairs!"

This afternoon I was enjoying a t.v. show while Hezekiah was napping. Mom joined me and we were talking about the show when, from upstairs, we heard, "You're talking downstairs."  We continued to talk and I assumed that Hezekiah would simply come downstairs.  He often talks from the top of the stairs before he comes down.  Well he didn't come down; he just kept saying, "You're talking downstairs!" 

"Yes we are," I said. "Did we wake you up?"

I believe he said "yes".  Then, "I'm trying to nap. You need to be quiet."

I just cracked up. We are always telling him that he needs to be quiet when Annaliese is napping. Of course, he didn't go back to sleep (he was at the end of his normal napping time) and just came down to join us. I definitely have a child who is not afraid to let you know how he feels about something!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

They're Here!!!

It's official! Annaliese has her first two teeth. Tooth number one, on the bottom left, arrived October 20th and the second one, on the bottom right, arrived just four days later. Aren't they just so tiny and adorable?